Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm 30 my wife 32

Ambo teringat cerito tempoh hari maso dalae bas alah nok gi hotel di Brisbane, Australia. Maso tu baru sapa di Brisbane, baru abih kijo. Ambo and smua crew MAS naik bas nok gi ko hotel. Hotel pulok di Gold Coast. Jauh dari Brisbane, and perjalanan bas mengambil maso selamo 1 jam.

Crew-crew ni biasolah, begosip, berbual, nombo satu. Lebih-lebih lagi lamo dok dalae bas, puah la pok-pok dio. Mulo lahhhh berceritaaaaaa. Ado stewardess ni bagi satu cerita interesting. Menarik kak loh la, so ambo raso patut ambo share di sini.

Menurut stewardess tu, ado satu hari, dio kijo untuk satu penerbangan gi ko Madras, India. Dio kato ado one guy ni, Indian guy, masuk dalae pesawat bersama isteri dio. Masuk-masuk, lepah letok beg, dio pon duduk bersebelahan isteri dio. The following dialogue passed between the guy and stewardess tu......

Indian guy : Excuse me, I'm thirty and my wife thirty two.
Stewardess : Ermmm, okayyy, thats very good (smilling awkwardly)
Indian guy : Yes, I'm thirty and my wife thirty two.Ok?
Stewardess : Yes good, good for you.
Indian guy : So can we have some?

At this point, stewardess tu start pelik, and tekejut. Bakpo, sebab demo umo 2 tahun lagi mudo dari isteri demo, pah demo banggo, nok oyak ko oghe lain abih ko? Tok cukup dengan tuh, demo nok "have some" dalae pesawat!!! Nok have some what??? Love??

Stewardess : Err, I'm so sorry sir but this is considered a public place.
India guy : Yes I know. But both of us very thirty.

Pado maso samo, that guy angkat tange dio, extend ibu jari dio and halakan pado mulut dio, and stewardess tu, bulat kan mato dio...

Stewardess : Ohhhhh you are THIRSSSSSSTYYYYYYY!!! Oh u want water!!
Indian guy : Yes, because I'm thirty and my wife thirty two...

Stewardess tu gi blakae pesawat, tarik tutup curtain, and begolek atah lantai sambil pegae perut dio..


Iron Butterfly said...

i am just too sad right now i cant laugh out loud. but it is funny bro.

a m l y n y x said...

hahaha. nok sukko!
baguh entry klate bena2 ni, sedak kawe baco..

Anonymous said...

Hahaha,naka..naka..mujur FO tok ngila jugok..kalu FO duk ngila bley2 pijok rudder paddle gak beghaklaa

sitizero said...


Unknown said...

adoi.. pecah perut..

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm Indian, but not thirty.

Love your blog (though I just get the English bits).

This one here is down-to-earth funny.. I know people who speak like that. I can understand the stewardess' predicament (well done by the way)!