Monday, November 24, 2008

introdaksyen skik....

assalamualaikum. ambo nok nnulih skik ssinih. kadae2 nok ngepek kadae2 nok mmuji. tapi ngepek lah llebih sikik. tapi ado duo tigo kkaro dulu kito keno ppakat tahu duluh. demo oghe kelate jati pong keno baco gapo ambo nok tuleh lepah nih.

pat kkaro keno tahu kalu nok pehae....

1) kito oghe kelate, sebutae tu meme lain lah dok? kalu oghe luar sebut "kan", kito sebut "kae". biasonyo bilo tulis, kito tulis "ke" tp ambo nok tulis "kae". bakpo? sebab ambo nok suruh demo2 baco, sebut "kae". not as in the word "ke" in the sentence "nak ke maner?". pehae? tubek doh mat saleh skik.

2) merujuk nombo satu, ambo tok semesti tulis lagu tu sokmo. contoh, the word "memang". oghe kelate sebut "meme". ambo akae tulis "meme" bukae "maemae" sebab kalu tulis "maemae" oghe buleh kompiuh.

3) kecek pasa mat saleh, kadae2 ambo akae selit ayat2 inggeris sikit deh. bukae mmujo bekas penjajoh kito, tapi "sometimes it is necessary to use english sentence" sebab payoh sgt nok explain.

4) oghe kelate kecek, sabdu kuat bena. jolo dok? contoh mok kito ngepek pagi2 buto "aloh laaaa abih ikae kito makae kkucing". oghe luar denga gak mesti pelik. "ikan makan kucing?" tapi kito nok oyak nyo, ikae tu keno makae ko kucing! untuk sabdu, ambo akae tulis huruf duo kali. pehae2 lah dok...

cukup stakat tuh. kalu ado soalae buleh tanyo ambo akae jawab. matlamat ambo nok introduce how to write in kelantan properly. kalu kedoh, kecek lain tapi tulis, tetap samo supo skalo. kelate dok. lain! kito patut ado tulisae sediri. kecek buleh tapi nok convert into wordings, keno tulis bahaso baku. bakpo!

nok kiro, kelate takdok hasil sastera lasung! sasterawan hok asal oghe kelate nnulih dalae baku. baku is baku. baku bukae kelate. ambo bukae beci ko baku. bahaso baku penting. no doubt. english pong. tapi kelate keno maju, ado caro tulis hok khas, sebab, kito...........UNIK !


faiz nasir said...

meme unik!
demo xblk kapong ko?

faiz777 said...

eh3 abe yellowherbie, kalu nk tnyo pasa aviation dale nih bulih ko x?

yellowherbie said...

aaaa, ado doh komen belom apo-apo lagi. ni sedak nnulih nih ado oghe baco. mokaseh mokaseh!

kawe balik rayo aji sabtu nih. sapa dari Paris sapa pagi pah ttolok slaluh. nok tanyo aviation gak di yellowherbie.blogspot laaa ssamad weh. nih kae tepak ngepek.

firah said...

oOo. tepak nGepek dih? bEhi ngEpek gOk abE kitO ni dIh. ambO jadi fOllower dEmo. kirO serOh dighi dgr oghe ngEpek la nih. hdOi. puah dgr dOh dEmo ngEpek. kua3. papEpOn, jd fOllower sbb ambO banggO jadi klatenese. hidOP klatE!!!

Iron Butterfly said...

kehkehkeh.. kak azah spell 'key' instead of 'kae'. ho ho.. stail caro baco tuh stail kelate. he he he. didn't know u have true blue kelantanese blood in you. nati ado anok keno ajar kecek kelate nih!

yellowherbie said...

"key" tu "kunci" dalae bahaso english. haha. kak azah tau dok sapo ajar tulih lagu ni? Abe Smek! Hahaha. I still remember ado chat nga dio 9 years ago di mirc, maso tu still form 3. Dio la suru wyn bui "salae" dulu. And i thought, eh, betul jugok, salam in kelantan is "salae", bukan "sale". Pikir2 balik, "sale" tu "jualan murah" in english! right?

Iron Butterfly said...

hahah i should've guessed it's smek. 'salae' tu spelling hilir, 'saley' tuh spelling sardin+malas. ngaahaha.. like i said, it's pronounced the kelate way, not the english/hilir way. lol. beso doh etek, so malah doh la nok tuka spelling 'ey' to 'ae'. heh.

faiz.nasir said...

smek sek band tuh ko?
syed gapo dh namo dio xingt..
bdk ahmad maher kalu xsilak..
jolo x?